The Three Sisters - shared from https://thehomestead.guru/the-three-sisters-2/
Stories connect us with generations before us. They can be lost if not passed down. It's not different at Crossroads Farm.
We are part of centuries worth of stories, some we have heard first-hand and others we’ve learned through lore and history books.
Before seven generations of Grossmanns farmed this land, the Native American tribes were here. By sharing the legend of the Three Sisters in our education programs, we preserve indigenous teachings and cultural practices that date back thousands of years. The story teaches cooperation and support as well as a traditional crop-growing technique called companion planting. Each summer here at Crossroads Farm, children grow a Three Sisters garden and enjoy the farming as much as the story.
Through the years the fields are thriving, welcoming seeds, wild life, children and families. Horseshoes found while working in the fields bring visions of generations of farmers who used draft horses to work the land. Newspaper articles share how horse drawn wagons delivered produce and school children enjoyed watching Elizabeth Grossmann churn butter under the grape arbor. Fond memories enthusiastically shared by adults, who grew up visiting the farm, add to our collection. This past fall, we were honored to hear cherished stories from Art Landi, who grew up working with George Grossmann. He shared how the lessons he learned and work ethic he nurtured at the farm served him throughout his life.
In 2007, Nassau County bought this land for open space and Nassau Land Trust, a private trust, is upholding its legacy by preserving the fields for future generations as an organic/biodynamic farm. Crossroads Farm, like other small farms, is an example of a beautiful synergy of people and nature. While the farmers and their methods have changed through the generations, one thing hasn’t, the ability to prepare and enjoy food in its peak season. Indeed a story to be told and honored.
We invite you to share this love story and be a part of its living history.
February's Staff Pick Recipe
Everyday Potato Soup from Twelve Months of Monastery Soups by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avile-Latourrette
8 potatoes, peeled and diced 2 quarts water or stock
3 onions, sliced 1 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons butter or oil
4 teaspoons chopped parsley (or chervil)
1. Put the potatoes into a soup pot. Add the water and onions and cook over low-medium heat, covered, for about 45 minutes.
2. With a hand masher, mash the potatoes in the soup pot. Add the milk, salt, and pepper and stir the soup, then reheat.
3. Just before serving, add the butter and parsley. Stir and mix well. Serve hot during the cold weather and cold during the warm weather. (When soup is served cold, oil must be used instead of butter).
Learn more about the legend of The Three Sisters here.
Until next time,
Your friends at Crossroads Farm